The Mythology Show: Hanuman`s Leap<br>James Boag

The Mythology Show: Hanuman`s Leap
James Boag

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Caroline S
listening to this again James,...time to go back for another reading / listening of the full Sundara Kāṇḍa, the amazing details that captivated me in the fist place
Lente  K
1 person likes this.
Will watch this again and again. Thank you 🌞 What is the original text called?
James Boag
Thank you Lente, I also come back to Rāmāyaṇa again and again! The story of the leap here is based on the 'original' Śrī Vālmīki Rāmāyaṇa in Saṁskṛt. It comes in the opening canto of the Sundara kāṇḍa. However, the tellings here also draw on lots of other versions/tellings of Rāmāyaṇa that I have read/heard over the years.
If you would like to read a great telling of Rāmāyaṇa I really like and recommend for example: the Linda Egenes and Kumuda Reddy version, the Ramesh Menon Modern Rendering and if you read French the Albin Michel edition told by Serge Demetrian.
Jai jai Hanuman!
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