Practice with Mark Robberds: Surya Namaskar Variations<br>Mark Robberds

Practice with Mark Robberds: Surya Namaskar Variations
Mark Robberds

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Mark Robberds
Thanks MKV
Kit & Dee Dee
Great way to get my week started.
Laura S
Just signed up and this was a recommended practice. Was frustrated at lack of yoga terms so kept having to look at the screen. Slower than I anticipated.
Gabriel W
Great practice. Thank you
Jimena B
This was perfect for today’s practice thanks a lot Mark Robberds coming back to my practice, much appreciated
Andres A
1 person likes this.
this is beautiful, felt so personal , thanks mark, from chile .
Kate M
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Lovely to be able to return to this resource. Love the pacing. Love the way concentration and breathwork are seamlessly woven into the practice.
1 person likes this.
Kate, this is also one of my faves :)
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