Yin Yoga: Liquid Yin<br>Jeanne Korn

Yin Yoga: Liquid Yin
Jeanne Korn

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1 person likes this.
Hello Laura!  Oh so glad you enjoyed this practice!  Yes, I find that these poses brings such sweet awareness and energy to the heart, throat and eyes, inviting an "expansive view" ...!  Thankyou for sharing your feedback:)
Brigitte M
I have been repeating this practice soooo many times. After hard days in the office or struggling with the kids at home - it always calms me down and brings me back to me. Thanks so much!
Thankyou Brigitte, I'm happy you're enjoying it! Yes, I love repeating practices, each time feels a bit more nourishing!  Hope you continue to enjoy:)

Susan R
I enjoyed this class and the entire series .  I’m sure I will repeat it and maybe new yin classes will be coming forth.
Debbie Kephart
21-25 of 25

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