Sacred Kundalini: Balancing Masculine & Feminine<br>Kara Looney

Sacred Kundalini: Balancing Masculine & Feminine
Kara Looney

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Kara L
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Thanks Elizabeth- Well Said! Ali, yes there are many breathing techniques in Yoga.  Often times people become familiarized first with the techniques that  facilitate relaxation, relief of anxiety & tension.  There are also more active breathing techniques that help clear blocked energy/prana, promote vitality and charge the energy field.  Both the passive and the active techniques serve to benefit us greatly! Thanks for your note - Kara
Michelle F
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Hola Kara!
Im loving your approach to kundalini- thanks so much for this beautiful balancing act today - Im not really " into" visualisations but i just decided to "let´s see" and laughed out loud when I saw a wee slinky golden marilyn monroe in my left hand - then a huge antlered  stag  serenely gazing down a mountain - both such unexpected images and certainly a lot to think on....
Have a beautiful day!
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Thanks Elizabeth, that also really helps. X
Kara L
Michelle F how wonderful! Thanks for sharing your visualization experience! Historically I’ve never been much of a visualization person either, but when we can open up to it as a “tool“ for developing awareness,  it can provide some very powerful insights. This is the stuff of Carl Jung and the collective unconscious. 🙏
Sara S
A woman in shadow and a pit dog alert

Kara L
Sara S was this what you saw in the visualization experience in the class? 
Christel B
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Wonderful integrating practice.  I appreciate Elizabeth M's input and feel much the same about feeling different paces on different days. Sat Nam.
Kara L
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Christel B Sat Nam :)
Carin D
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I did this class a couple of days ago, and was resistant to the visualization at the time, but over the last couple of days I have realized how much I have suppressed my feminine side and being more open to that side of myself and of God has been powerfully helpful in being more nurturing to myself and others, and has made me more relaxed and present so that I can be more creative and intuitive.  It's been a big win for me :)  Thank you so much Kara!
Kara L
Carin D isn't that interesting.  Many women who have taken that class with me have noted that the feminine side was aching for attention, healing and reclamation.  I think this makes sense based on the nature of our societal values over time, preferring the masculine qualities ( logic, reason, ambition, aggression) over the feminine (intuition, receptivity, allowing, nurturing), however we are most powerful individually and as a larger group when both aspects are empowered and in balance. I'm happy this class has made such an impact on you - thanks for sharing!

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