Morning Yoga Flows: Pure Warm Water<br>Shelley Williams

Morning Yoga Flows: Pure Warm Water
Shelley Williams

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Shelley Williams
Carol W Carol what a sweet note, to read! thank you so much for sharing, and its so great to know these practices are supporting you through the day! 
Shelley Williams
Kate M Warm water first thing, its the internal shower! I love this practice, too... so glad you enjoyed and inspired that little Ayurvedic routine! 
Sandra Židan
I really enjoyed doing this pure warm water practice! Thanks, Shelley, for sharing it with us! Namaste! 🥰❤️🦋
Glenford N
An invigorating and graceful way to start the day. The shape of water will inform my day. Thank you, Shelley. Namaste.
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