30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 4: Build Some Heat<br>Robert Sidoti

30 Day Yoga Challenge: Day 4: Build Some Heat
Robert Sidoti

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Jill E
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Thanks Robert, I am really enjoying your challenge with its progression in small 20minute bites - very manageable x
Robert Sidoti
My pleasure Jill!! That's exactly our thoughts ... 20 minutes is enough to pack a punch while being very manageable as well.
Elaine H
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I am really enjoying this. It's a great way to get back into practice after a long time away. I was afraid it would be boring, but it's not at all. You are a wonderful teacher and I really like the way you set the poses up. I have been practicing yoga off & on for 10+ years and have learned some great tips for setting up a pose. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!
Maria Elena D
I've never done a 30 day challenge either, and I'm glad I waited to commit to this one! I'm really enjoying it, thank you Robert. Blessed day everyone.
Robert Sidoti
Hi Elaine and Maria, welcome to you both and thanks so much for 'showing up'! I really enjoyed teaching all of these sequences and happy and grateful to share them with you and all the others, so fun! I'm about to finish up the challenge myself, might just start again when I'm finished. Glad you are here and I'll be with ya the whole through!
Kyrstyn S
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I heard 'forearm plank' and I internally groaned! However, the way you set it up for us resulted in a sweet, engaging execution. Normally I've clenched my fists while holding the pose but with palms pressed to the floor it created less tension in my shoulders and core, and more connection to the floor, which of course pulled everything together. Dare I say that I may actually look forward to forearm plank in the future! I find myself at the end of 20 minutes saying, "That was twenty minutes? Barely felt like five!" Which tells me that not only will I be able to challenge myself for longer sessions after this, but that you make this challenge so enjoyable I don't realize the time ticking away. Thanks again, Robert.
Elle H
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Another great workout. Love the sequnces and it does work areas I never imagined. Elle
2 people like this.
Great practice - the last thing I wanted to do this morning was build heat lol but it was actually a lot of fun - a great way to get going and shake off my bed as David Bowie would say. That plank was hard I am glad you didn't make us stay there any longer though. See you tommorrow.
Maria Elena D
I get the "shredding the newspaper" action now, didn't get it the first time around... just a little extra, :) nice!
Meredith H
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I'm a little late to the game, but still wanted to say thank you to Robert, for bringing so much positivity and encouragement to my day.
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