Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 13: Centered and Strong<br>Robert Sidoti

Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 13: Centered and Strong
Robert Sidoti

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Robert Sidoti
You’re welcome Jami !! Sending some Pura Vida from Costa Rica to you 🧘‍♂️🤙🏼
Joy A
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Hallo Robert second time round. I’ve done some great classes on this website but I keep coming back to yours. All your classes are so great. You have a wonderful energy. Thank you.
Robert Sidoti
Thank you Joy , so nice of you to share this with me:))
I’m here and will continue to create sequences that promote ‘Feeling good’ !! Namaste. Have a beautiful day!
Robert Sidoti
Thank you Joy , so nice of you to share this with me:))
I’m here and will continue to create sequences that promote ‘Feeling good’ !! Namaste. Have a beautiful day!
Briana N
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im definitely feeling the benefits of a daily practice so far. Always been curious of how doing yoga daily would help.. but never jumped in. I feel it most in my back and core. Both feel stronger. thanks for providing this practice!
Robert Sidoti
Great comment and feedback Briana :)
Back and core strength are two key pieces to a healthy and injury free body💪🏼 Sooo happy you are feeling the benefits of daily yoga here✌️🧘‍♂️🙏🏽 Have a beautiful day!!
Dannette W
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Appreciate the little things Robert - bringing in the knees as you transition out of the double knee twist. Yes ! Helped to get rid of the lower back strain I always experienced during that position.
Robert Sidoti
Great! Glad you were able to feel the benefit of that transition Dannette ✌️Anything to reduce tension or pain in that darn low back:) have a great day!!
Glenford N
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I feel as if the pace has been increased and I'm enjoying the challenge. Thanks Robert.
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Wow, I was a ball of stress before doing day 13. Now I'm relaxed and ready to enjoy my Saturday off. Thanks Robert!
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