Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 19: Show Up<br>Shelley Williams

Awaken to You: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 19: Show Up
Shelley Williams

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Shelley Williams
Laura HI Laura! Thanks for your note!! Glad you are continuing with the challenge again and showing up! If you are having trouble getting your legs over your head with blanket under your shoulders, try placing a block (at its lowest height) under your sacrum, or adding another folded blanket under your sacrum.  Let me know how it goes!
Lina S
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I've discovered a new shoulder stretch! Thank you.
Sandra Židan
Hi, Shelley! I've enjoyed in aloha spirit and today's practice! Kind regards!
David G-
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Wow, love the comments above. I rushed plow and rolled down hard on my neck. Bounced back and really went deep into the shoulder experience. 
The beginning practice was as many teachers like to say: delicious. Loved the yintastic stretches. 

Yesterday's heart opening was magical. I finally understood how moving one's heart area (fascia and muscles and ....????) build's upper body strength. Whenever I have visualized being open-hearted, it was in a more nurturing, emotionally receptive felt-sense. It's meaningful to explore all of this in a challenge. Finding balance, right? 

Shelley Williams
David Goldstein  Careful on that neck, buddy!  Take your time getting in and out of asanas as part of the asana itself. Entry and exit gracefully and with awareness, the juice is in the transitions and pathways too! Glad the heart opening is paired with visualization, that is the MOST powerful 
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