Active Recovery Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Pecs & Hamstrings<br>Lydia Zamorano

Active Recovery Yoga Challenge: Day 6: Pecs & Hamstrings
Lydia Zamorano

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Jenny S
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Loving your sweet, kind approach here. To me, using the wall adds a playful quality to the practice, as if one is child trying all different ways to move around and surprise itself in the process. Lots of fun!
Lydia Zamorano
Hi Jenny! Thank you! I just love using props and walls for feedback in my practice and also finding a good boundary that I can work with! So happy you are finding some play with this. 
Joan J
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Lydia, my shoulders are extremely tight, working at the wall helps me let go into the stretch.  Love the floor stretches as well.  So grateful you are teaching this🌾 recovery challenge🌾🦋🌸
Lydia Zamorano
Joan Always happy to hear Joan! 
Caroline G
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yumminess. should be done everyday to prevent shoulder injuries. thank you!

Glenford N
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Perfect way to end a hectic day. Really felt relief in my shoulders from the wall exercises and relief in my hips from the floor twists.  The strap work opened my hamstrings gently and the meditation made me mindful of going within to,find peace clarity and silence. Namaste.
Lydia Zamorano
Glenford Love hearing this. Hope we can continue to practice together. Namaste Glenford. 
Martha K
Dear Lydia, this series has been an eye opener! Giving me new ways to love and support my body. Your approach for accessing the sticky spots is so very kind and warming and sweet. Thank you!
Lydia Zamorano
Martha Love this Martha! I hope we can practice self love with these practices! Love! 
Kadee M
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Amazing pec and shoulder openers! I am weight lifting followed by climbing and this active recovery is exactly what my body is craving! Thanks for the slow and mindful practice that is easy to plug into my day.
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