Summer Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 3: Into the Wild<br>Melina Meza

Summer Ayurveda Yoga Challenge: Day 3: Into the Wild
Melina Meza

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Christel B
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Did I hear you say you could share a recipe for golden milk?  I grow several different kinds of turmeric and am on the lookout for ways to incorporate them daily.  
Another wonderful session today! Namaste.
Melina Meza
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Part 2   Store this in a glass container in the fridge.
Christel B
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Where is part 2?
Melina Meza
I just sent it to you in an email since there is a word limit to the comment box!
Christel B
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That was a very helpful cue to not bring the hands onto your back in pyramid pose if nursing a lower back issue.
Kate M
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Loving your original sequencing, your gentle guidance, and Ayurvedic wisdom!
Melina Meza
I use to have a lot of back problems and am super sensitive around forward bends without support. Thanks for catching that cue and taking good care of yourself.

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This seemed so gentle at the time, and yet a few hours later I am feeling secret little muscles that clearly got a great workout! Thank you Melina, for these creative practices!
Melina Meza
Right?! I've noticed when doing familiar poses with a new prop or arm position, I too tend to wake up places I haven't felt before. Sounds like that has happened to you too? I hope you'll continue to visit this practice and see what new pathways open from your exploration.
Polina S
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Thank you, Melina🌷 It's GREAT 👏😊
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