Morning Yoga Flows: Fresh Pressed Juice<br>Shelley Williams

Morning Yoga Flows: Fresh Pressed Juice
Shelley Williams

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Laura M
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Thank you!! Such a great practice!

Jenny S
5 people like this.
Oh Shelley, I really appreciate your teaching style…your friendly, laid back demeanor, your use of imagery, and most of all, your inclusion of modifications for everything from sun salutes to peak poses.  I never feel “left out” during a sequence that’s become more challenging for me as I’ve aged.  This was just perfect.  Thank you! 🙏🏻❤️
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Shelley, for this wonderful and interesting practice! I couldn't do the headstand and the side crow but I did my best! Namaste! ❤️🥰☀️
Christel B
3 people like this.
So enjoyed this exciting juicy practice! Now I’m well energized to face the day.
Catherine A
Many thanks, Shelley. Another wonderful energizing and interesting practice! It has left me ready to tackle pretty much anything 🥰❤️
Kate M
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I loved this sequencing!
I did have an issue, though, with the prānāyāma practice while applying the bandhas. Doing this with the breath held OUT is a very advanced practice and might need a caveat.
Personally, I did this with the breath held IN. That was doable : )
Love your offerings : )
2 people like this.
Positive and vibrant practice.  Just what I needed.  Thank you 
Shelley Williams
Laura M Thank you Laura! Wonderful to hear from you! 
Shelley Williams
Jenny S HI Jenny! So great to hear from you ....So glad to hear you are finding your sweet spot in the practices, and yoga is meant to meet us where ever we are at any age.xo!
Shelley Williams
Sandra Židan Hi Sandra! I am so glad you enjoyed!! Yes, it is a mix of offerings and so glad you found some moments where you could fly!! 
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