Keepin` it Real: Dynamic Core Flow<br>Robert Sidoti

Keepin` it Real: Dynamic Core Flow
Robert Sidoti

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Tanya K
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Not the right class for me, unfortunately. There was too much interruption with explanation where the student just ends up breaking the pose and standing around doing nothing while you explain. Also there is no such thing as 'warm down', only warm up and cool down. I found that I could comfortably insert a couple more poses at the end without any rush at all. Plus, the shortest savasana ever! This particular class just didn't work for me, sadly. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
Robert Sidoti
Tanya, thanks so much for your feedback, I love it! It's always so helpful to hear from and get feedback from people who practice the videos! You're so right, it's 'cool down', I've been saying warm down for soooo long :)
And as an instructor, sometimes I feel I want to share more cues than might be necessary for some folks, some really need them.
There are so many amazing instructors on Yoga Anytime, I'm sure you'll find the right fit! Again, many thanks for your feedback, it helps me to be better🙏💚
2 people like this.
Love your vids. Thank you.
Melanie T
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Too much talking slows the flow down. Good combination of power poses though.
Erika H
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I LOVE THIS ---> "Use the breath as a form of communication." That's the most fabulous phrase -- especially because it's hard to come up with new ways to articulate and embody what yoga's all about. Thanks for this practice.
Susie C
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thanks so much!! great and energizing class!!!
Susie C
1 person likes this.
Love it!!! Nice power flow and especially love your wonderful sense of humor and encouragement to go beyond . . .
Robert Sidoti
Hi Susie !! Thanks for commenting 8 months ago, not sure why I never received notice of it 🤷🏼‍♂️ Glad you enjoyed it again!! I appreciate you dropping in with me, hope to 'see' you in other videos! Best, Robert
Susan J
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This was a full on workshop especially after a weekend of intense yoga training. I enjoy your explanations. We all need time to reflect on the poses. It isn't about rushing. Nice to see the sun too. He in the U.K. we have snow - again!
Robert Sidoti
Hi Susan ... thanks for the comment, I'm glad slowing down and not rushing resonates with you, the practice simply deserves that kind of attention:) Storm is brewing here where I live on the East Coast of the States ... Spring will spring soon for us all!
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