Yin Yoga: Soften the Resistance<br>Kira Sloane

Yin Yoga: Soften the Resistance
Kira Sloane

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Sandra Židan
Thank you very much for this wonderful practice, Kira! Kind regards!
Kira Sloane
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Sandra I so appreciate your love notes. Xokira
Meaghan S
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Delicious! Thank you Kira. I have toppled my practice and am slowly investigating it all again from a less habitual perspective. Can you drop some wisdom for me on what you advise when one gets a *fight or flight/ get outta this pose* or back it on up response? Do you suggest to hang out there and let it recede/playing with edges of this uncomfortable area or back it up and investigate in a more comfortable nervous system zone? I know this is can be a *both* type answer. Just wondering what your thoughts are for this forever beginner student..many thanks.  
Sara S
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In the spinal twist, I found my shoulders thanking me for the stretch. Couldn't hear my lower back 
Kira Sloane
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Meaghan S, such a great question. In my personal experience, rebuilding trust of inner listening and not overriding danger signals has been so essential. Also, of course, navigating protection mechanisms that no longer serve me has been a simultaneous dance. This is one of those questions that begs the terrible answer of "it depends".  Perhaps, before practice, "make a map" and let all parts of you know what's involved in the journey and how long you will be there. Then there will be an inner agreement of exit routes. Then, when the SNS gets triggered, drop beneath the obvious surface responses to that place within you that knows best and ask sincerely what your next best action is. Trust the response and follow. I am hoping that all that makes sense. So happy to be contact. xok

Kira Sloane
Sara S, so glad your shoulders got what they needed. xok

Meaghan S
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Kira Sloane oh my! Yes, I love that idea of a visual plan ahead of time. I will start incorporating & see how it goes. I’ve been chewing on something a speaker on building resilience spoke to that is very similar~ how we can stop troublesome anxieties that revisit us when we make a plan. Our well worn fear pathways of the brain may start to take new courses when we create plans for our worst fears. Let me just go grab my planner. :) I guess the *depends part* to this question, also is on how each day is different and the body in a more SNS activated state may really need to be cushioned and blanketed instead of prodded. That is where the work is that I keep wanting to bypass...the releasing of routine practices to be in the more intimate work of inner gazing, seasonal rhythms, diurnal/nocturnal practice times, trauma pattern releasing, & emotional sensing.  
Kira Sloane
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Meaghan S, so beautifully mapped. Yes! Moving into real time with ourselves is not so easy. Have a beautiful holiday! xok
Lily A
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A cosmic love affair! So many beautiful teachings woven into this practice - thank you Kira!
Kira Sloane
Lily A, always a treat to hear from you. Have a kind Sunday. xok
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