Sacred Kundalini: Harmonizing Nerves & Glands<br>Kara Looney

Sacred Kundalini: Harmonizing Nerves & Glands
Kara Looney

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Heather B
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Thanks Kara. Loved this class, I really felt like I needed to do lots of breath of fire. Feeling much clearer and content now :)
Kara L
Hello Wonderful Heather B thanks for your note! that breath of fire is a game changer! Glad you're feeling clear and content :) 
Carin D
I so rely on these classes for balancing & releasing the flow of energy in me.  It makes my days & my week flow so much better.  You are so right about how much information the world throws at us everyday and how important resilience in the nervous system is for survival of the fittest in the modern world.  Very grateful to you Kara!

A quick question: My hips are super tight and sitting cross-legged for a long time is not that comfortable, although it seems to be getting easier.  For some reason it shows up as discomfort/pain in my ankles and the tops of my feet close to the ankles.  I've been sitting up on a blanket and padding under my ankles/feet as well, and it definitely helps.  Any other tips?
Kara L
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Carin D Hello! I'm so glad to know that notion about the nervous system resonates with you.  I find as more people pay attention to nurturing and seeking balance in their nervous systems, they will begin to find a deeper sense of peace and understanding.

Yes, thanks for asking - Sometimes the "new" pressure being applied to the joints in historically unfamiliar positions  (like seated cross leg for a length of time) can created discomfort in the joints.  Finding ways to support these joints and not overburden them is a wise instinct. Perhaps alternate between seated crossed leg and rock pose and even consider sitting in a chair (w/feet firmly grounded).  If rock pose makes the knees or ankles tender, use a blanket under tops of feet and/or between hips and heels. 

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