Yin Yoga and Mythology: Hanuman Yin<br>Kelly Kamm

Yin Yoga and Mythology: Hanuman Yin
Kelly Kamm

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Sara S
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Even though Hunuman possessed superpower. He still needed help of the wind. Was the wind like me for my friend? Just curious ?  
Alessandra  Y
Awesome. Hanumanasana has always been one of my favourite peak poses.
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Love your series

2 people like this.
This is wonderful, thank you so much. I'm excited to practice the rest of the series with you.
Sandra Židan
Wonderful practice and story! Thanks, Kelly! Regards! 💝🌹🌼
David G-
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Kelly, thank you for this practice; you imbued it with pointed pathos once again. Hanuman's heart is a powerful symbol.  Best, David 
Debbie Kephart
you have the most poetic heart and warm soul
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The strap around the ball of the foot and occipital ridge was exquisite!
Kelly K
Shanna thanks Shanna! xoxo
Kelly K
Debbie Kephart love you so much Debbie!!!!
1-10 of 13

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