Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 1: Light
Ashley Rideaux

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Danielle J
3 people like this.
What a beautiful, nourishing class Ashley. Thank you .Can't wait for the remaining classes ... from Christmas morning in Australia. 
Ashley R
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Danielle J thank you so much! I’m excited to have you along for the journey🤗 Happy Christmas to you!
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Ashley, for this great practice! Merry Christmas to you and to everyone here on Yoga Anytime! ❤️🎄🎁
Ashley R
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Sandra Židan, I’m so happy that you enjoyed the class🤗 Merry Christmas to you, and yours🎄
4 people like this.
I am so grateful for this practice on this Christmas Day. Thank you!
Jenny S
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I loved everything about this practice! What a beautiful way to start the holiday 🎄✨❤️🙏🏻 Thank you Ashley! 
Lea M
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Really enjoying this ;practice on the holiday. Looking forward to the rest of the challenge!
Christel B
4 people like this.
So enjoyed Compass Pose with your specific guidance. Looking toward your Daily Challenge. Happy Holiday!
Kelly J
5 people like this.
What a beautiful Christmas gift to have such a brilliant class with you, Ashley! Looking forward to continuing the journey with your two week challenge. Thank you for the reminder to enjoy the view.
Ashley R
2 people like this.
Elizabeth Merry Christmas! Thanks for spending a bit of it with me🤗
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