Empowered Aging: Stand Up, Stay Up<br>Jason Schneider

Empowered Aging: Stand Up, Stay Up
Jason Schneider

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Jason S
Lea M that's just a strong statement.   To say that enjoyed it enough to come back and do it again - it's the equivalent of a Chef's Kiss.   I'm humbled and appreciative.
Stefania M
Certainly Jason.
I m sure about that
Vedra R
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This was such a fun practice, I certainly enjoyed the standing and balancing challenge it felt good!
Muz M
Another excellent session, thanks Jason.
Pam H
What a great balance practice! It showed me where I need more strength and work with balance! Half moon has always been a challenge for me. Any suggestions about how to work on this posture? Thx!
Jason S
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Pam H we are forever a work in progress!   Half moon can be a challenging balance pose for even the most advanced practitioners.  Here's a few recommendations that may help you to build strength, focus on the elements that will provide the greatest stability in the pose and help you progress in your practice.
1.   Highly recommend using a block directly under the shoulder on the same side as your balancing leg.  This gives you two points of stability.
2.  Move slowly, like moving through water.  This helps you to focus on stabilizing yourself using muscular strength and control vs momentum.
Jason S
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Pam H (continued)

3.  Don't lock into your knee joint.  Keep a softness in  your knee and engage all the muscles - from foot to glute.   The more engagement of muscles, the more stability in your balance pose.
4.   Don't be in a rush to extend.  Start with your top arm close into your side (or hand on waist).  This will also help you guide your hip/ribs towards the sky.   Once stable, slowly unfurl the arm towards the sky.
5.  A great tip I got from a student is to practice your half moon with your back/butt against a wall.  This provides you with an extra bit of security and gives you the opportunity to practice pressing your butt and shoulders back against the wall and lifting the top ribs to the sky.   

Give some of these tips a try and please come back and let me know if they were helpful!    
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