Morgan S Thanks Morgan! So much of core integration for me is body awareness. I'm so glad that came through for you. Thanks for taking the time to comment! Warmth always, Lydia
That was fun. Something popped; not sure it was the pelvis. My Rolfer told me that my stomach (in June) was very tense. It's cool you talked about tense stomachs as well. He is back from Germany in a week, so looking forward to talking about his studying of cranial work too.
David Goldstein That is interesting that you notice that about yourself. I find that some athletes have stronger global mobilizers than small stabilizers, and balancing out this tension in the body can feel really supportive. You could try continuing to breath full, slow and deep during these movements so that your outer abdomen becomes less rigid (if that is the case). Hope this is helpful David. Warmly, Lydia