Keepin' it Real: Active Recovery<br>Robert Sidoti

Keepin' it Real: Active Recovery
Robert Sidoti

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Robert Sidoti
Yes yes yes, before bed, this practice is perfect for that Ch Marie d’I !! Hope you had nice dreams! 
Robert Sidoti
And from my heart right back to yours Anda S - enjoying the ride for sure!! 
Samreen F
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I have Covid and am so achey - I love this class so much, relieved my aches and pains today x
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Happy Birthday to me! Thank you!
Melissa H
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This practice was exactly what I needed the day after my first half marathon.  Thank you so much!  I feel fantastic!
Robert Sidoti
Congratulations on your first half marathon - that’s amazing!! Happy to know this practice helped in recovery afterward!! 
Appreciate you! 
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