The Vinyasa Show Artwork
Season 5 - Episode 2

Essential Flow

40 min - Practice


Do what feels best. Rosemary shares her comprehensive sequence touching on what she feels are basic elements for a well-rounded vinyasa flow. We find a rhythm of low lunges to ease into our practice then move into strong Surya Namaskars (Sun Salutations), standing, twisting, and seated postures. You will feel satisfied.
What You'll Need: Mat

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(waves crashing) Hello and welcome back. Really excited about this practice. It pretty much covers all the basics. Really nice strong sun salutes, warming the body, some good standing poses, some good grounding seated poses and then a few back bends. So it should be fairly well-rounded and hopefully a little pleasurable. (laughs) So as you're ready, let's come to the front of the mat.

Taking the feet together and the hands to prayer at the heart center. Let the eyes close. And we'll take a moment or two here drawing the awareness into the body. And intentionally beginning to deepen the breath. Feeling each inhale expand through the entire torso and letting each exhale kind of soften and settle the body a little.

Notice how you feel. Notice whatever may be going on inside in this moment. And then with that awareness from that space consider your intention for your practice today. Anything at all you might want to clear out or call in. (deep inhaling and exhaling) We'll offer those intentions, up and out together with the sound of om.

Exhale, empty the body of breath. Together a big inhale. Om. As you're ready let the eyes open. With the next inhale reach the arms out and up.

As you exhale simply fold forward, out and down. And then with your inhale, lengthen, come halfway up. And as you exhale, simply step the body back into downward-facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana. And take about five breaths here easing into it. You can pedal the feet.

Shift your hips a little side to side. Soft through the neck. Just arriving, just kind of noticing how that back body feels in this moment. (deep inhale and exhale) Couple more breaths. And then moving through a few cycles of lunge, just beginning to warm the body and lengthen the spine.

So nice and easy with the inhale take the right leg up to the sky. And as you exhale, simply step that foot forward between the hands and come to the fingertips and as you inhale, lengthen out through the heart and press back through the left heel, long in both directions. And as you exhale, step straight back into downward dog. Second side. Inhale, left leg goes straight up to the sky.

And then exhale, step the left foot forward between the hands, lift to the fingertips, inhale, extend through back heel and heart. Long spine. Exhale, go straight back, downward-facing dog. And then building the pace just a little, a couple more cycles each side. Inhale, right leg lifts up.

Exhale, step it forward. Big inhale, reach it out in both directions. Sink through the hips a little. And then exhale straight back, downward dog. Left leg, inhale, up to the sky.

Exhale, step it forward. Inhale, reach it out, press through the back heel. Reach out through the heart. And exhale, step straight back, downward dog. Once again each side.

Inhale, right leg rising. Exhale, float it forward, root down. Inhale, out through the back heel, long through the heart. And exhale, straight back, downward dog. Last cycle.

Left leg, inhale, straight up. Exhale, step it forward. Inhale, lengthen it out in both directions. And exhale, step straight back, downward dog. Then slowly as you inhale, simply walking the feet forward to the front of the mat.

Uttanasana, standing forward fold. The feet are about hips distance. The head is heavy, the neck is really soft. Anything that feels best with the arms. We'll be here for three full cycles of breath.

(deep inhale and exhale) That's one. (deep inhale and exhale) And two. (deep inhale and exhale) And three. Then slowly with a soft bend in the knees, inhale, roll the body all the way up to stand. And when you arrive, exhale, roll the shoulders down and back.

Shake it out a little bit. Step the feet together, take the hands to prayer at the heart. Stay right there, take another big inhale. And steady exhale. And Surya Namaskara A.

Inhale, reach out and up. And exhale, bow out and down. With your inhale come half way up, long through the spine. And as you exhale, hop or step into plank pose. And lower knees first or chaturanga, whatever you feel warm and ready for.

Then inhale with soft cobra, or upward dog. And exhale go straight back, downward dog, three breaths. And one. (deep inhale and exhale) And two. (deep inhale and exhale) And three, soft bend in the knees with the exhale.

Hop or step to the front of the mat. And then inhale, lengthen it halfway. Exhale go back into your fold, soft through the neck. Inhale, rise all the way up, reach the arms to the sky. And as you exhale, draw the hands to prayer, right down the mid line to the heart.

Again inhale, out and up. Exhale, bow, out and down. With your inhale, flat back, lengthen, look forward. And exhale go back and through. Any variation of the vinyasa.

Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, go back, downward dog again, just three breaths. Long through that spine, sending the heels towards the earth as you lift a little through those hip bones. One more big inhale. And at the bottom of the exhale, soft bend in the knees.

Hop or step forward. Inhale, lengthen. Exhale, right back down into the fold. Inhale, rise all the way up, flat back. Reach through the fingertips.

And exhale, hands to prayer at the heart. Once again, inhale, take it up. Exhale, bow out and down, just warming the body. Inhale, halfway up. Exhale, take it back and through.

Any variation. Lifting through the heart and downward facing dog. Breathing here for three. (deep inhale and exhale) Just easing into it, enjoy the sensations of the body starting to warm and open. (deep inhale and exhale) With your exhale, bend the knees and hop or step forward.

Inhale, halfway. Exhale, right back down into the fold. And inhale, rise all the way up. Exhale, hands to prayer at the heart. Moving into Surya Namaskara B, bend the knees.

Inhale, let's take it up, Utkanasana. Exhale, bow, out and down. Inhale just halfway up. Now again exhale up or step back and lower. Inhale, scoop the heart up.

And exhale, take it back. Inhale, take your right leg to the sky. Exhale, step the right foot forward with the back heel down. Slowly on this first cycle, inhale, take the arms up into Warrior I or your virasana. Three breaths, play with it a little bit.

Dropping down to the tail bone, lifting from the belly. Draw the left side body forward and the right side back. And breathe. (deep inhale and exhale) And then with your exhale, simply release. Hands to the earth, step straight back.

Vinyasa's always optional, do what feels best. Meeting in downward dog, second side. Inhale, left leg goes up and back, nice and long. Exhale, step it forward, root your back heel. And inhale, rise again, second side.

Again take a little time with the alignment with this first cycle, really just ending through the tail bone, drawing that deep low belly in and up, balancing out through the torso. Shake out any energy in the hands or the wrists. And one more breath. Alright, with the next exhale, release the hands down to the earth, step it back and lower chaturanga. Inhale, scoop the heart up.

Exhale, go all the way back. Downward facing, taking a couple breaths here. (deep inhale and exhale) And then we'll take just a couple more cycles with the legs, without coming to stand. Continuing to build the heat and the energy in the body. Always feel free to slow it down if you like.

Always feel free to rest if you like. Just listening to your body, moving at your own pace. Inhale, right leg lifts. Exhale, step it forward, ground the back heel. Inhale, Warrior I.

Just that one breath to rise. And exhale, hands come right back down to the earth. Step back, chaturanga. Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, back, downward dog.

Inhale, left leg to the sky. Exhale, step it forward, root the back heel. One inhale, all the way up. And one exhale, hands down to the earth. Step it back, clear it away.

Inhale, lift the heart. Exhale, go back again, each side. Inhale, right leg. Exhale, float it forward, root the back heel. Inhale, take it up.

Exhale, hands down, step back. Vinyasa or skip it. (deep inhale and exhale) Last cycle, inhale, left leg to the sky. Exhale, take it forward, root the back heel. Inhale, rise.

And exhale, release, step back. Vinyasa, or not, listen to the body. (deep inhale and exhale) And we'll meet in downward facing dog. You got a full five breaths here for whatever you need. Maybe you're just kinda playing with it, floating a little side to side.

Maybe the body wants to drop down into child's pose. Just listening and taking whatever you feel for. Couple more breaths. (deep inhales and exhales) Alright, and then, building on that flow a little bit. So this time, keep rooting through the hands.

As you inhale, take the right leg to the sky. As you exhale, step that foot forward between the hands and from here, we'll open into Warrior II. Inhale, left arm reaches forward. Open and back, Virabhadrasana B. A full three breaths, steady gaze, steady focus.

Three. (deep inhale and exhale). And two. Keep your foundation super strong, that deep full bend into the front knee, and as you exhale, reverse. The left hand can come down the left leg, or wrap behind the back, and find that right thigh.

Totally up to you. Right arm reaches up and over, breathing into that right side body. Strong through the right leg for three. (deep inhale and exhale) And two. And one.

Then inhale, float it back up into Warrior II, and as you exhale, lengthen the right leg. Keep the leg super strong. Inhale, hinge with the hips. Reach way, way out. And exhale, down for Trikonasana, triangle pose.

Right hand above or below the knee, not on the joint itself. Or all the way down to the ankle or the earth. Left arm, straight up to the sky. And if it feels alright for the neck, follow the left fingertips with your gaze. Legs strong, heart and left shoulder opening, feel that expanse in all directions for three.

(deep inhale and exhale) And two. Press through the feet, strong foundation. Inhale, simply come straight back up into Warrior II. And then with the exhale, take the hands to the earth. Step it back, vinyasa, or let it go.

Take one big inhale. Open the mouth and let it go with the exhale. (deep exhale) And second side with the inhale, take the left leg to the sky. And then exhale, step out, foot forward. Root through your back heel, Warrior II.

Inhale left, right arm, reaches forward, up and back. And sinking down into it, steady the gaze into the left fingertips and breathe here for three. Soft through the shoulders, down to the tail bone. Lift from the belly, up through the heart. Two.

And again, keep that strong bend in the front knee, and as you exhale, reverse. Right hand slides down the right leg, or it wraps behind the back. Left arm, up and over, extend through the fingertips. Feel that length in the side body for three. (deep inhale and exhale) And two.

And one, inhale back up. And exhale, go ahead and lengthen the left leg. But keep the legs engaged rather than just collapsing into the joints. Strong through the quad muscles. Inhale, extend out, hinging at the hips.

And exhale, down, Trikonasana, second side. Again any placement with that left hand. Right arm reaches straight up, open through the heart. Lift the gaze if it feels good for the neck. And breath in three.

(deep inhale and exhale) Two. Pressing through the feet, inhale, go ahead and lift back into Warrior II. And exhale, hands to the earth. Step it back, or a vinyasa. Knees first chaturanga or just let it go.

Take the heart up, and exhale back, downward dog. Again, really big inhale here. And open the mouth, let it go. There, just a couple more breaths. Comin' back to your own center.

Reconnecting with your intention. (deep inhale and exhale) And then another full cycle each side. Here we go, inhale, right leg to the sky. Exhale, step it forward. This time coming into high lunge or crescent pose.

So press down through the feet. Long, through the spine. Inhale, rise, take it straight up. Reaching up through the fingertips. Just a breath or two here, strong through the legs.

Sending through the tail bone, lifting from that deep lower belly. And then on your exhale, take the hands to prayer at the heart. On your inhale, lift that front body and exhale twist. Hook the left elbow outside of that front knee. Spiral the spine open.

So many options here, you can lower the back knee. You can open the arms, rooting left hand down outside of the right foot. You can even find a bind or a half bind, whatever feels good, we got a few breaths. Keep playing with it. Three.

(deep inhale and exhale) And two. And then as you're ready, feel your feet. Use that strong foundation and then inhale, come back up into your high lunge. Exhale, step the back foot in a little bit. So a slightly shorter stance, and then straighten both legs.

And release the hands to the hips. Moving into twisting triangle. Inhale, lets take the left arm up. Exhale, extend way, way out. Keep that length in the spine as much as possible.

And then exhale, root the left hand outside the right foot. You can always grab a block, you can always keep it inside the foot or even on top of. Just do what you can, then draw the right hip back. You can even use that right hand to assist, and open it up, reaching through the right fingertips. Three.

(deep inhale and exhale) And two. And one. As you're ready, inhale, come all the way back up. And exhale, step the left foot back a little bit. Bend that front knee and simply release.

And go back, vinyasa, or let it go. (deep inhale and exhale) One breath and downward dog. (deep inhale and exhale) And second side, inhale, left leg floats up. Exhale, step it forward, finding high lunge. Second side, ground through the feet.

And inhale, take the torso up, enjoy just a couple breaths here. (deep inhale and exhale) And then on your exhale, hands to prayer at the heart. Take a full inhale here, really to lengthen up through the spine. Then exhale, find your twist. Right elbow hooks outside of that front knee.

Spiraling up all the way open from the root of the spine to the crown of the head. Keep what you've got. Maybe lower the back knee. Maybe right hand roots outside that front foot. Left arm up or up and over, or maybe the bind.

Three breaths, take your time. (deep inhales and exhales) Foundation is steady, feel your feet. As you inhale, unwind the torso. Take it back up into your high lunge. Exhale, simply step the back foot in a little bit and lengthen both legs, release the hands to the hips.

Really strong through the legs, balance through the pelvis. And then inhale, right arm reaches up. And exhale, extend out, out, out, and then down. Hand inner or outer edge of the front foot. Draw that left hip back a little bit, and then open it for twisting triangle, second side.

For three. (deep inhale and exhale) And two. And one, press through the feet. Inhale, we'll come all the way back up. Step that right foot back a little bit.

Exhale, release the hands to the earth. Step back, maybe the vinyasa, maybe you've had enough. And let's meet in downward facing dog. Enjoy a full three breaths here, just gathering the energy, coming back to your center. (deep inhale and exhale) And then coming through to sit, soft bend in the knees with the exhale.

Just hop or step through, and extend the legs out through for Dandasana. Such a beautiful, classic, grounding pose. Go nice and easy. Root through the sit bones, find a really tall spine, maybe even close the eyes. Draw the awareness into the central channel and draw up at the center of the belly towards the center of the heart.

Center of the heart, up toward the center of the crown. And then the crown of the head, rising straight up towards the sky. Let the hands root outside the hips, draw the shoulders back and down. And then you may keep the eyes closed, you may gaze at the tip of the nose, or the top of the thighs. Let's take five breaths here, legs awake.

Feet drawing back, and forth. (deep inhale and exhale) Three. Two, such a simple pose, but so much going on here. Feel the strength of the back, the strength of the core, the opening through the chest, and then gently on an inhale, take the arms out and up. And just a classic forward fold, Paschimottanasana, and take hold wherever you'd like.

Once you have your grip, inhale, draw the heart out and the shoulders back and down. And then exhale, go ahead and simply release into your fold. And then full five breaths here. Turning inwards, slowing the practice down. (deep inhale and exhale) Three.

And two. And keep your grip, inhale, lengthen, and look forward again. Exhale, simply release and let's draw the legs in, just a little bit of hip opening here, Baddha Konasana. Root through both hip bones, take hold of the feet. Inhale, lengthen up through the heart.

And exhale, go ahead and fold forward. Five breaths. (deep inhales and exhales) Directing the breath to any areas of resistance. Could be the hips, could be the thighs, maybe the lower back. Two or more cycles of breath.

(deep inhales and exhales) And then slowly inhale, come on back up. Exhale, you can use your hands to draw the knees together, a little support. And then go ahead and roll all the way down onto your back. Gently hug your knees in towards the chest, and just rock your body side to side here. Kind of releasing through the lower back, and soothing the whole system for a moment.

And then keep your knees bent, and just plant your feet on the earth about hip distance, resting the arms alongside the body. We're moving into three back bends here, and these can be as gentle as supportive and restorative, or as deep and vibrant as you feel for. Let's start really simply together. So ground through all four corners of the feet. Scoot the tailbone a little, and lift your hips straight up to the sky, arms can stay at rest.

Or you might clasp the hands under the back to crawl the shoulders in and under, and get a little more height through the hips. Deep breath through the belly, through that whole front body. (deep inhale and exhale) And three. And two. And then if the hands are clasped, release them and melt from the top to the bottom of the spine, back down to the earth.

Just a breath or two between cycles, knees neutral or dropping in. (deep inhale and exhale) Alright, preparing to rise again. If you'd like to stay with that variation, beautiful. Feel free, if you want a block under the sacrum, feel free. If you're in the mood for full Urdhva Dhanurasana, plant the hands under the shoulders, feel that same grounding through the feet.

Scoot the tail bone a little, lift the hips. And then pressing down, inhale, rise up. (deep inhale and exhale) And hold for five. And four. Three.

And two. And slowly exhale, come to the shoulders, the upper, mid low back. Melt all the way down and feel that beautiful rush of energy, let it settle for a moment. (deep inhale and exhale) And then one last back bend, this one's totally up to you. Really any variation you're in the mood for.

Press down and as you're ready, go ahead and inhale, come on up. Five breaths. (deep inhale and exhale) One. And two. Soft, through the neck.

Three. And four. And then go ahead and releasing back to the earth. Let's take just a few breaths, and scoop to Baddha Konasana. Soles of the feet together, knees drop out.

And you can rest right hand to heart, left to belly, feel the rise and fall of the breath under the hands. Letting all that energy start to ground and integrate. (deep inhale and exhale) One more breath. And then draw the knees together. Hug your legs in, towards the chest.

Rock yourself a little, side to side. And then twisting, knees go to the right. Left arm out to the left. You can take really any variation of a twist that feels good for you here. And full, five breaths to release through that lower back.

Of course, really important after deep back bending to twist and, or, forward fold. So three. (deep inhale and exhale) And two. And gently, inhale, come back to center. Move the hips just a little to the right.

And then lower the knees to the left. Again, any twist that serves. Reaching out through the right arm. Follow the fingertips with a soft gaze. And five breaths here.

(deep inhale and exhale) Move that breath all the way down the length of the spine, through the lower back and the sacrum. One more breath. And then inhale, back to center. Exhale, let's hug both knees in towards the chest. Preparing here for shoulder stand.

And for any reason, shoulder stand isn't right for your body, feel free to take your legs up the wall, or just a simple happy baby. Otherwise, let's start in Halasana. Take the legs up and over. And just adjusting here for a moment or two. And then drawing the shoulders a little closer by clasping the hands.

Root the hands on the back for support, and take the legs up to the sky. And stay for ten breaths if possible. Reaching out through the balls of the feet. (deep inhale and exhale) Three. Four.

Five. Six. Legs wide awake, reaching up, just a few more breaths. (breathing deeply in and out) And then exhale, returning to Halasana Plow Pose. Legs come back down.

(deep inhale and exhale) And then very gently, roll the body back to the earth. Pause, hug the knees in towards the chest. Again, just a gentle rocking here, side to side. I'm tuning in. If there's anything at all your body is calling out for before your final rest, please feel free to take it.

Otherwise releasing into Savanasa. The legs extend. Let the arms extend. Let the eyes close, let the mind soften. (breathes deeply) And as you lay the body down, consider laying down any distractions, any weight you may be carrying.

Keep it away from the time being. Let yourself rest and replenish. One last mindful breath together. Big inhale, fill the body. Hold it in for a moment at the top.

(deep inhale) And open the mouth, exhale. (deep exhale) Let it all go and just rest. (breathing quietly) Very gently come back to your breath. Sustaining the sense of ease, and surrender as much as possible. And gently on an inhale, extend the arms up and over.

Reach through the fingers and the toes. And then exhaling bend your knees, feet to the earth. And roll the body to the right. And take yourself back up. Let's find a comfortable seat here together.

There really can be any variation of a cross legged position. You might even sit up on the knees, we'll be here for just a couple minutes. Once you're situated, rest the hands, close the eyes. Find that tall spine and drop the shoulders. Breath is effortless and organic here.

And your awareness is simply following each inhale and each exhale. It's just that simple. And when the thoughts come, notice without kinda hooking into them, without resisting them. Just letting them pass and practice choosing where you place your focus. Draw it back over and over again.

Just to the flow of the breath. (breathing steadily) Now then keep the eyes closed, take the eyes to prayer at the heart center. And sharing all the benefits of the practice. So with the sound of om, we'll offer up all the energy, all the intentions and the efforts of the practice for the benefit of all beings everywhere. Together, a big inhale.

Om. And together gently inhale. And soft fold forward with the exhale. Namaste. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Beautiful work. Namaste.


Cynthia B
2 people like this.
Great practice. I really feel refreshed. The pace is just right for me.
Rosemary Garrison
Thank you! I am so glad it felt good for you.
Johanna L
2 people like this.
I feel calm and strong, thank you from Sweden
Rosemary Garrison
So glad to hear this! Blessings, R
Tracy R
2 people like this.
Wonderful class. I most certainly feel satisfied and then some. Thanks Rosemary
Senada S
3 people like this.
Thank you Rosemary. Excellent instructions and so easy to follow, feel calm and present. Like the practice of mindfulness at the end.
Rosemary Garrison
You are most welcome! It's such a joy to share. Many blessings.
Michael G
1 person likes this.
Om Namah Shivaya!

Very nice class!

Rosemary Garrison
Thanks, Michael! Many blessings, R
1 person likes this.
Thank you Rosemary! This is my favorite practice. All around, hits all the hot spots, ticks all the boxes. I've been known to get in a long deep groove with this one for days on end. Blessings!
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