Heartful Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 7

Connect with the Cosmos

5 min - Practice


We expand on our loving kindness practice by sending freedom, peace and ease to the cosmos. Kira invites us to tune into our heart center with this meditation and send our well wishes out to the world.
What You'll Need: No props needed


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(peaceful waves) So the last skill to develop for the full-loving kindness meditation practice is the ability to wish the greater cosmos well. So snuggle in. Big deliberate inhale. Exhale let it happen soften. Easy at the back of the heart.

Generous in the front of the heart. Allow your hands to find a position so they feel open and receptive and find the alignment of your skull so that you barely notice her anymore. Tune towards your heart's center. This is really, as you probably have realized by now, this is the key skill. Where is your heart's center?

Feel the movement of the breath. And then just start to do your best. And it usually helps to bring something into your imagination, like really, maybe imagine the world. Like see that image that we get from outer space. Like see the whole Earth.

And feel your inhale and as you exhale, may you be well, may you be happy. Inhale. And as you exhale, a genuine heartfelt wish, may you be well and may you be free. And watch the temptation to jump up into the mental realm and start to see all the reasons why this might be difficult, and do your best. This is what you're tuning.

You're tuning your skill of a heartfelt wish. Without burdening the heartfelt wish, with your knowledge. Yes. Soft in the belly, kind in the eyes. And while you may be able to hold your awareness on the Earth, your imagination might start to encompass the moon, other planets, our galaxy.

Just you know like, allow yourself to go as far with what you can hold, as feels safe, and where you can stay connected. Soft and open in the hands. Keep the wish coming from the center of you. And it's not unusual while you're trying to hold this giant cosmic view, sometimes it's natural to suddenly vruup, zoom in on a grizzly bear, or a koala or some area of the world where there's strife. That's totally appropriate.

Just keeping holding the heartfelt wish. Yeah. Few more moments. And for these last few moments, can you infuse your heartfelt feeling with the possibility that this might work? Can you just have a little bit more faith in the power of your own intention?

Yeah. Beautiful, relax the effort. So today as your homework, sometimes the events that are occurring on this planet can leave us feeling hopeless, or ineffectual, or unable to do anything. Perhaps maybe try this. Let your awareness drop into your heart, and allow yourself to wish the planet, the cosmos, the galaxies far and away and beyond wellness, happiness, freedom, peace and ease.

Thank you.


Lydia Zamorano
I love this show. Thank you.
1 person likes this.
Beautiful. Thank you. Yes. The little rattle of your mala at the end is the icing on the cake.
Shari L
1 person likes this.
Really beautiful. Thanks for these thoughts. May we all wish for peace and work for peace.
Sandra Židan
Great meditation! I gave a hug to planet Earth in it! Regards!
Laura M
1 person likes this.
You’re the absolute best!! Thank you!!
Kira Sloane
Laura M, LOVE!

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