Keepin' it Real: Active Recovery<br>Robert Sidoti

Keepin' it Real: Active Recovery
Robert Sidoti

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Whitney B
2 people like this.
Thank you for this practise! The last few days I have been pushing my body a bit too hard and my low back had been screaming at me to slow down. This practise was a nice reminder to slow down and stretch it out. Thank you again
Robert Sidoti
Hi Whitney ! Thanks for the comment! It almost never fails to add a practice like this into our lives, especially when we go hard and push ourselves - slowing down to stretch and open up feels so necessary  and so good! Hope you are doing and feeling well! 
Fabian H
1 person likes this.
no hurry. enjoy the ride. thanks for this practice.
Robert Sidoti
My pleasure Fabian  - glad you found some enjoyment here! Never hurry and always enjoy the riiiiide :)))
Prathiba K
1 person likes this.
Hello this is my first class with you.  I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for introducing a new pigeon pose. 
Marie W
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Perfect practice after my bike ride!
Robert Sidoti
Hey there Prathiba !! Thanks so much for letting me know you are here! Pigeon can be a lovely experience, nice to have several options :) Have a great day! 
Robert Sidoti
Yes Marie - 'Active Recovery' for activities exactly like bike rides - open hip flexors, chest etc, so happy it worked well for you!! 
Dawn A
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I absolutely loved this practice! I've been working a pt job doing landscaping on top of my massage practice, so it was a God send! Me and my body thanks you! You are an Angel my friend! 
Robert Sidoti
Hey Dawn !! How are you my friend?! Landscaping can be rough on the bod for sure - this type of practice can definitely help with recovery as you’ve just experienced and shared here - thanks for all your positive vibes and comments!! 
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