30 Minute Yoga Flows: Heart Flow<br>Rosemary Garrison

30 Minute Yoga Flows: Heart Flow
Rosemary Garrison

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Sandra Židan
Hi, Rosemary! This practice was exactly what I needed this morning- gentle and energizing at the same time! Thanks and kind regards! 💖🤗🌷
Francesca Venturini
Thank you Rosemary! Feeling the heart space is always a big emotion
Kate M
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This landed right on Valentine's Day! How appropriate : ) Happy Valentine's Day! Lovely practice : )
Christel B
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Wonderful rotations focusing on heart opening, thank you Rosemay. Open hearts on Valentines and always!
David G-
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These last two episodes are beautifully sequenced and aslo meditative. Been practicing with other people in a local studio, which is so transformative, but the precision of the digital flow is unique. 

Boat was extremely enjoyable. That is the first time I can say that. Deep cracks and openings. 

As you know, I seem to have deep experiences after heart openings. It feels like Spring here in NJ, so hopefully I have a good story for the day ahead of me. 

Best, David 
Rosemary Garrison
So happy to hear that, Sandra Židan ! I love gentle and energizing- such a beautiful combo. Enjoy!
Rosemary Garrison
Well said, Francesca Venturini . I couldn't agree more. Takes a lot of courage to travel there. Thanks for joining us. 
Rosemary Garrison
Yay, Kate M ! I had no idea this flow would land on Valentine's. Such an auspicious confluence. Thanks for noticing and sharing in it all. LOVE!
Rosemary Garrison
Open hearts, indeed, Christel B ! So beautiful. Thank you for opening with us. 
Rosemary Garrison
This is so powerful to hear, David G- . Bravo on continuing your epic journey. Here's to the opening of the heart and the imminent arrival of Spring! 
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