Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Together<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 7: Together
Ashley Rideaux

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Sandra Židan
Hi, Ashley! There was a lot of wobbling in today's practice, especially in the pose when we had to stand on one leg in figure four and make a twist on one side but it was also interesting to do that! Thank you very much for this beautiful practice! Namaste! 🥰❤️
Jenny S
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That peak pose was super wobbly for me, but I really wanted to experience the twist part (my ego, lol) so I took the balance part of it out by having my back to a wall.  Thus I was able to simulate the pose (on both sides 👏).  I’ve never seen or tried this one before and it felt pretty good - I’ll work on the balance part…even though it may never come.  It’s so fun exploring!  
Lina S
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A great practice to channel one's energy inward. Namaste.
Ashley R
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Happy New Year, Sandra! You are very welcome. Thank you for you for continuing to share your experience throughout this journey. It makes my day
Ashley R
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Jenny, Happy New Year!!!! I'm glad you were able to experience the twist part of the pose with your back against the wall. As you said, the balance will come, or not, but now you've found a way to experience many of the benefits of the posture in a safe/stable way. Way to go!!! As my mom would say, "you're a smart cookie."  
Ashley R
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Happy New Year, Lina, and namaste to you!!
Amanda H
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Awesome I am loving this challenging challenge. I managed to hold the figure twist on my right leg, so rewarding. Thanks Ashley. 
Ashley R
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Love love love it, Amanda H🤗 That figure four twist is no joke😅! Congrats!!! I’m glad you’re loving the challenge❤️
Lisa P
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What a powerful flow! It felt challenging in really positive way. And as always you carefully guide us into the deeper and more challenging asanas in a gentle way. The reminder to "find your comfortable edge" helps me recognize when my sneaky little ego is trying to drive the practice. Thanks, Ashley
Ashley R
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Thank you, Lisa P ☺️ And, yep, I know that sneaky little ego well😜
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