Homage to the Source Artwork
Season 1 - Episode 16


5 min - Tutorial


Asana 14: Kukkutasana (Rooster Pose)

The full expression of this pose requires us to first feel comfortable in Padmasana (Lotus Pose). Betsy demonstrates what this posture may look like before Richard walks us through Lolasana (Pendant Pose), what he calls The Dangling Pose, and Tolasana (Scale Pose) as steps toward our own version of Kukkutasana.

What You'll Need: No props needed

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Aug 09, 2015
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Hi, we're here with Betsy and Alana and the pose this time is called Kukutasana which translates into English something like the rooster and this is a very old traditional yoga asana that involves getting into lotus I'm only going to have Betsy do that version of the full lotus so if you would start please and come into the full lotus position as we just did in the previous exercise so yes you remember how to do that yeah so do I can bring it across very good yes exactly right remember that we want the knees to be fairly close together in the full lotus not not wide yes very good and the feet so the soles are perpendicular to the floor exactly right now for Kukutasana you have to get the arms in between the thighs and the calves which is very difficult for some people to do that have heavier legs and heavier arms so she's going to work the arms through as you can see she's lifting the knees away from the floor and then sliding the arms up toward the let's find the legs up the arms toward the inner elbows now she's going to sort of lean forward and lift off the floor and this is a very well-performed rooster pose we won't hold her here too long but we'll be happy with with what she's got here thank you very much come down and you can leave your legs in in padmasana now for a less flexible and stronger person we'll have a lot of demonstrate something a little bit different so if she would come and kneel down on her ankles and then lean forward and bring her right ankle underneath her left and you can see that she has blocks to either side of her hips and she can either use the sides of the blocks that she has them here or if she needs a little bit more help she can use the ends of the block if she needs a little bit more height like that and the first time through I'm going to ask her to lift off the heels but keep the feet on the floor so she's going to exhale and push up the belly firms the back rounds this is one of the poses that the torso shaped like a ball like you might do for bakasana the crane pose so you want to round the back open particularly up between the shoulder blades in the upper back yes exactly right and use the belly to firm the abdomen to bring the the knees up toward the front of the torso and this is called Lolasana the the dangling pose and then she can come down it's actually comes from an Indian wrestling exercise called jula J H U L A which is a indie word now for those of you who are not able to get the arms through the legs in between here what I'm gonna have her do for the second side that you change the cross of your legs please thank you what I'm gonna have her do for the second side is called Tola Sanaa which means the scale and if you would come into the second side please now instead of bringing the hands through the legs as she did previously she's just gonna bring your hands on the floor beside her hips and she'll take an inhalation and on the exhale push and lift beautifully done and again you want around the back it's not a pose where you want to keep the front of the torso long and if you have trouble with this you could do what what Ilana was doing and use bricks under the hands very nice the scale Tola Sanaa now for the second side here we'll show the stronger pose and on the first side if you remember the pose was the feet were on the floor now she'll cross the left ankle under the right and she'll inhale it on the exhalation push up and this time lift the feet oh that's very well done and again can you get a little bit more room across the upper back now if you want to the if you want to in this pose yes see how she's rocking back and forth and that's the dangling part of the pose and that refers to an earring that hangs from your ear a long one and when you walk along it dangles and that's called Lola very nicely done pod rooster cuckoo Tassina or the scale tolas in a to la Lola Sanaa the dangling pose very well done both and thank you

Homage to the Source

This Episode
Asana 14: Kukkutasana (Rooster Pose)
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Richard Rosen
5 min
Homage to the Source
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Asana 15: Mahamudra (Great Seal Pose)
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Richard Rosen
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Asana 16: Paschimottanasana (Seated Forward Bend)
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Richard Rosen
5 min
Homage to the Source


Christel B
Great explanation and alternates to full poses!

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