Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 10: Stability and Strength<br>Robert Sidoti

Feeling Alright: 30-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 10: Stability and Strength
Robert Sidoti

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Dannette W
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As the pace of the sessions increases I some times find myself a beat or two behind you Robert. During last year's challenge I really chastised myself but this year I just keep my own pace and eventually catch up. Easing up is sometimes more mental than physical
Robert Sidoti
Thanks for sharing this Dannette ... that to me is growth and maturity in ones practice ... feeling content with where you are and the pace at which you move through the sequence, it is YOUR practice after all 🙏🏽🧘‍♂️
Sarah H
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I felt as bright and luminescent as your shorts, after this practice! 😆
I enjoyed the fact it was a bit more challenging. Thank you, Robert.
Robert Sidoti
Agreed Sarah .... the shorts are pretty darn bright! Happy to know you felt this way:))
Glenford N
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Great start to the day with a challenging practice which I really enjoyed.
Thanks Robert. May the flow be with me!
Glenford N
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Great start to the day with a challenging practice which I really enjoyed.
Thanks Robert. May the flow be with me!
Robert Sidoti
“The Flow will be with you always Glenford!” I love that by the way, might steal it 😉
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tired and a bit stiff on waking, but the practice warmed me up. thank you.
Robert Sidoti
Perfect way to address the stiff body, always feels better afterward Matthew!
Glenford N
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Decided not to use the blocks for a different experience. Needed a bit more balance and strength on the balancing postures but flowed through rather than pushed through. Enjoying the challenge and reaping the benefits. Thanks Robert.
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