60 Minute Yoga Flows: All-Around Flow<br>Sarah Beston

60 Minute Yoga Flows: All-Around Flow
Sarah Beston

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Sarah Ellen
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What a beautiful and playful flow! I loved all of the transitions from crescent and the cosmic curtsy made my heart sing! Thank you Sarah!
Sarah Beston
Sarah Ellen—thank you so much for sharing! You’re reminding me of the cosmic curtsy … it’s been so long since I’ve incorporated that into my classes. I will add in this week! Wishing you a beautiful August and hope to practice together soon!
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Sarah Beston, you are the best un! I come back to this series again and again. I have been going through a very iyengar and yin phase and thought I might be moving away from vinyasa, but have fallen in love with flow all over again. Thank you!
David G-
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Hi Sarah, 

You constructed a fantastic practice for my body, entering the flow state, using more of the intrinsic muscles than ever before. There was just the right number of Vinyassas to counterpose the yin parts. (My best balance since I started yoga btw!) 

It is so much fun to practice yoga in these relaxed, fluid and energized states. The best part? The roll-ups. Such good rebounds. Thanks to Kate Smith for teaching me how to savor those! 

Best, David 
Diane C
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Thank you Sarah for another wonderful flowing class. You have a special way of guiding the class that helps me be fully present and experience movement, strength, and relaxation all at once and tuning out the rest of my busy life. Forever grateful. 
David G-
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Well said Diane! 
Sandra Židan
Thanks, Sarah, for this great practice with interesting transitions! Namaste! ❤️💝💗🤗
Lenise Jay
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That’s was great, thank you! 🧘🏾‍♀️🙏🏾
Sarah Beston
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Wow, so sorry to miss so many wonderful sharings here - Ali Diane C David G- Sandra Židan - thanks so much for sharing your experience and hopefully you are still enjoying practices here on Yoga Anytime! Drop me a line and let me know how it’s going if you can! 💛💛
Sarah Beston
Lenise Jay - so glad to hear! Thank you for sharing!
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