Gentle Yoga: Gentle Strength<br>Alana Mitnick

Gentle Yoga: Gentle Strength
Alana Mitnick

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Alana Mitnick
So lovely to hear, Chris C. Sending love, hugs, and TLC. XoA
2 people like this.
Thank you Alana. That was a perfect prstice after a long work day
Alana Mitnick
HI FanRodgers, So lovely to hear from you! Great to hear that you got your practice in. Wishing you a restful and enjoyable weekend! Warmly, Alana
Wendie Heijmer-Arendse
Very nice practice to start or slowing down at the end of the day!
Alana Mitnick
Hi Wendie Heijmer-Arendse, So glad you are enjoying this Gentle Strength practice. Yes, I find this flow and pace perfect for easing into the morning or unwinding at the end of day. So delighted to be practicing together! Warmly, Alana 
Cristina P
2 people like this.
Perfect! My first day and I love her class!! Namaste
Alana Mitnick
Welcome, Cristina P! Thank you for joining me in Yoga. Stay close and keep me posted on how these practices are feeling and working for you. Namaste and Love, Alana 
Glenford N
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I had a sore lower back from too much sitting at my desk! Gentle Yoga to the rescue, the practice took away the tightness and restored me with gentle inner power so I could start me day refreshed. No more back pain. Who needs a doctor when I have Yoga Anytime. Thanks Alana.  Namaste.
Alana Mitnick
Hi Glenford N, I'm so happy that you found some back relief with this gentle practice. You really know how to take care of yourself with Yoga! Namaste, Alana 
Laura M
1 person likes this.
Such a WONDERFUL practice!!! Thank you❤️❤️❤️
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