The Self Care Challenge: Day 8: Stay Curious<br>Kelly Sunrose

The Self Care Challenge: Day 8: Stay Curious
Kelly Sunrose

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Astrid U
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I looooove this reminder of staying curious..really everywhere in life.. easily things can become "I already know how this is"...and the learning and attention seise. Thank you :)
I'm still not sure what I will choose to focus in the practice to "attend to just one thing".....
Kelly Sunrose
SO true, Astrid! I'm curious about what you choose! xo
Astrid U
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there is this big bird house ,in the back yard, that has been here way before we moved in a year ago...I will be paying attention to its activities daily and through the seasons!
Glenford N
I have this lovely tree in my back garden in Melbourne and I enjoy looking at it during all the seasons and the birds that live there. You're reminder about staying curious and keep learning is pivotal in my recovery and my journey of self discovery. Life is an open book- keep turning those pages. Namaste.
Meghan B
Yes! This self-care challenge has been a great reminder of how all things are practice. "Tending to 1 thing" is like the concept of a "sit spot," a practice that has (& continues to be) so powerful for me.

Thank you, Kelly, for bringing these ancient teachings into everyday life. xo
Charlotte M
Such a beautiful sensory practice. I feel like all my senses have had a detox and everything looks, sounds, tastes, feels more real. Thank you so much!

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