Yoga Love: Get Bigger Talk<br>Linda Sparrowe

Yoga Love: Get Bigger Talk
Linda Sparrowe

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Maria Elena D
thank you Linda! this was full of great wisdom for me, Namaste.
Annie D
Thank you. I recognize this getting sucked into negativity thinking and feeling. After years of yogapractice my body is still very stiff. In classes there is alway's a point when I can not do it; the body just does not have more space or does not give more space. I compare my pose to that of others and get very dissapointed. In these moments it is hard to stay neutral and open. Yes, it is better to practice/play with patience and ask my body what it needs in stead of judging it and feeling very small. This smallness is suffering!
What wise words. I think this concept of cultivating the opposite is a really interesting one. I find the contraction/expansion idea very tangible too. I think this will be useful in many ways. Thank you.

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