Mantra: What is Mantra?<br>Anuradha Choudry

Mantra: What is Mantra?
Anuradha Choudry

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Kate M
Hello again, Anuradha! I'm back after my first 7 months (1x per week) of lessons in Sanskrit and Vedic chanting! I was particularly fascinated by the parts of the Taittiriya Upanisad that my teacher and I chanted together. The transformational power of sound, personified as the goddess Vāk, fascinates me. I am so excited that you have created this course to explore this aspect of reality. (I have David Frawley's book too!) : )
Anuradha Choudry
Dear Kate , Welcome back and with a much deeper understanding of the power of Vedic chanting. Vak Devi can be a great inspiration and guide in life if we know how to woo her and follow her call. It requires some serious dedication and sadhana to cut the extra 'noise' and pursue her guidance. Great you got David Frawley's book! There is a lot you will find there for practice. All the best. Love and happy sounding :)

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