Yoga of 12-Step Recovery: Expression Practice<br>Nikki Myers

Yoga of 12-Step Recovery: Expression Practice
Nikki Myers

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Karin F
1 person likes this.
Such a beautiful practice! Love the breathing meditation in sync with the Serenity Prayer. I am adding this to my morning mediation practice for sure. Thank you Nikki!
Therese R
Wonderful, really enjoyed this practice. I will also be adding this to my daily routine. Thank you Nikki and Callie
Susan G
This is one of my favorites...will share this Sunday at YSR12.. 🙏❤️
Sonia G
Thank you Nikki. Thanks to you and these practices I am realizing how much my physical and emotional bodies need to heal. I am ready to surrender and stop the fight. Finally.
Ellen C
Self healing meditative yoga!!!
Glenford N
Beautiful. I felt a real change in my energy mind and body. Bright flashes of red green and orange. Loved combining the Serenity Prayer with the breathing exercise. Thanks Nikki for giving me the tools of sustainable sobriety.

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