Yoga Chi: Internal Sun Salutations <br>Matt Pesendian

Yoga Chi: Internal Sun Salutations
Matt Pesendian

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Joanne H
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Thank you, Matt. Very Helpful. I like the way this practice feels.
Amanda F
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Thank you Matt, excellent tutorial
1 person likes this.
Thanks! Really great tips, especially for keeping the neck safe.
Simon ?
Really connected me to more effortlessness and strength. Fantastic! Bless you Matt.
Catherine C
I appreciate the explanations/reasons for the different transitions and poses. I have been searching for a break down of the sun salutations - I really like the up dog explanation with setting knees down first. Thanks, very helpful
Frederic M
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Thank you Matt. Wonderful insights into this basic building block. Gratitude!
Fernando A
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Thank you Matt. My background is in Iyengar and Vinyasakrama but I am exploring Ashtanga with a favorite teacher and these alignment tips seem very useful. I like the softness of the the arms, legs and shoulders. also the breath from hands to feet in down-dog are very instinctive to me. Namaste!
Kate M
Really thoughtful and intelligent tips on the Surya Namaskaras. So helpful to soak this in and bring more awareness to these movements!

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