Yoga for Depression: Anxiety, Depression & Yoga<br>Linda Sparrowe

Yoga for Depression: Anxiety, Depression & Yoga
Linda Sparrowe

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Jenny S
This was great. It would be very useful for those who don't understand depression and anxiety to have a look at this. I'm looking forward to your next talk, in fact I'm going to watch it right now 👏👏👏
Linda Sparrowe
oh Jenny I am so happy you found this talk useful. The fact that yoga can be our ally in more deeply understanding ourselves and others is pretty powerful (and very sweet). Thank you for watching!
Linda Sparrowe
Thanks Craig!! I love talking about yoga and all the ways it can enhance our lives.
Nadia D
1 person likes this.
This was a very informative and understanding talk....really grateful I found it and you gave it.
Linda Sparrowe
Thank you Nadia ...I m so pleased you found it helpful!

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