Yoga for Depression: According to the Ancients<br>Linda Sparrowe

Yoga for Depression: According to the Ancients
Linda Sparrowe

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Jenny S
This, combined with your previous talk, helps to bring to light what really goes on in the mind and body when one is experiencing anxiety and depression. I feel that the two viewpoints actually compliment each other, rather than lie in opposition. Thank you for presenting this in such a clear way.
Linda Sparrowe
oh Jenny...I'm so glad it makes sense!!
Sharon H
Having gone through care-taking and then losing a significant other, I have found my hold on yoga practice becoming more and more tenuous. Am looking forward to your offerings here bringing me back to the refuge that yoga has been for me for 40 years. Thanks.
Kira Sloane
Oh Sharon, I am so sorry for your loss. My heart weeps.
Linda Sparrowe
Oh Sharon, I too feel your pain in my heart. Welcome home and may yoga embrace you and give you the space and freedom you need to heal. Thank you for sharing.
Sharon H
Thanks to you both for the kind words. Needless to say, this experience has been disorienting, so being in touch means a lot.

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