Move to Meditate: Letting Go to Let Be<br>Lydia Zamorano

Move to Meditate: Letting Go to Let Be
Lydia Zamorano

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Jenny S
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Aw...sweet ending 🤰👶❤️

Lydia Zamorano
Thanks Jenny ! Big love and happy practicing. xo
Joan J
Yay, another new practice! This was enjoyably different, Lydia. The sttetches are wonderful. My knees are cranky with the wide squat, but I ove extending the one leg out, feels glorious. I always appreciate the meditation at the end. Grateful as always for your teachings💖
Lydia Zamorano
Hi Joan Are you making sure you are keeping your knees aligned over your second toes (or the middle of your feet)? If your feet turn out a lot and your knees don't this can make for cranky knees. If this is happening try turning your feet in so they are congruent with your knee angle. Maybe this would help? Love Lydia Zamorano
Joan J
Thank you for the input Lydia. Your suggestion did help my ever cranky knees🦋
Lydia Zamorano
Joan Joan That is wonderful to hear!
Brett Williams
I made the mistake initially of putting this season aside, believing it to be more a prenatal-focused practice. I’m now enlightened I find it so easy to yield to the charm and authenticity of your voice. Namaste.
Lydia Zamorano
HI Brett Williams ! Wow thank you so much for your kindness! Made my morning! And so happy because this was meant for all bodies and minds to enjoy. Love!
Charlotte Bösling
Thank you Lydia! Great waking up with this for me this morning.  
Sandra Židan
Yes, I enjoyed the meditation and the practice before it! Thank you very much, Lydia, for sharing it with us! Namaste! ❤️🥰🌹
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