The Ashtanga Practice: Fundamental Asanas<br>Dylan Bernstein

The Ashtanga Practice: Fundamental Asanas
Dylan Bernstein

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Kate M
So important to present Ashtanga vinyasa sequences that are shorter... for those days when it's hard to find 90 minutes for a full primary practice! Thank you, Dylan: )
Monica S
2 people like this.
Excellent. Working through S5 Ashtanga Practice, episode by episode. The tutorials build on each other and enrich my practice and the energy I feel after practice. Thank you Dylan.
Dylan Bernstein
Glad that these are of service! Monica , I'm really glad that you've discovered the link between the tutorials and the practices! We designed it so that they would feed one another. Keep going through the season, and please let me know what you think. We'll be filming another season in May :D

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