Yoga Rx: Welcome to Season 2<br>Nathan Briner

Yoga Rx: Welcome to Season 2
Nathan Briner

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James N
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Hmmmm. Not sure if the idea of helping us "move through pain" is a good one. Pain tells us the body is in trouble or something is wrong. We don't move through it, we move away from it by finding an alternative way, or by not doing it at all. But if there is any pain initially, we come out of a posture, we don't stay in it.
Nathan Briner
James, I agree. I don't know if I said, move through pain. But I have talked about moving through pain. It is a matter of speech rather than a command. Moving through pain suggests a journey that includes movement and awareness of the result of that movement. Of course in the acute phase of injury movement may not be indicated. However, The willingness to try movement, even while knowing that movement has been painful in the past, gives us a feedback mechanism so we can begin to understand where and potentially why our body is protecting itself with pain. We begin the process of learning about our situation through movement. From that first step we try a second step and with multiple steps we can build a path toward moving through, and hopefully out of pain.

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