Your Body on Yoga: Cervical Spine<br>Kristin Leal

Your Body on Yoga: Cervical Spine
Kristin Leal

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Kate M
Lots of caveats here... for sure, certain folks should never attempt sarvangasana or shirshasana... good to see exactly why. I actually have a friend who was lead into an extreme cervical extension in a yoga class, and (she thinks) damaged the carotid artery (she's a nurse). She thought this because subsequent to the class she suffered a mild stroke!!
Kristin Leal
Oh goodness I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Kate . The cervical region deserves the utmost care and respect!
Kate M
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For sure! She recovered but her story stays with me. I try to be really careful about the cervical spine...
Stephanie B
Welcome owls! lol
Kristin Leal
lol Stephanie
Lily A
The welcome owls comment was the best! Especially when you called the certival vertbrae as all delicate and bird like! Love the continuing joke :)
Kristin Leal
Lily Glad you are enjoying the series (and my bad jokes!)

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