Training the Mind with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo: The Supreme Method<br>Jetsunma T.

Training the Mind with Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo: The Supreme Method
Jetsunma T.

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Kate M
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This is so refreshing to hear. Such a relief - ! - not to have to carry that, not to have to play a role. As a teacher of asana, this strikes me: not one of us should be trying to COPY the way another person does asana, but rather to discover our own authentic expression of a pose.
Jenny S
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Yes, Kate! My first reaction was WHEW. I have throughout my life gotten very down on myself for my sometimes quick temper (just one example.) However, when I try to fake a pleasant reaction when something piques my anger, I somehow feel even worse. Fortunately, I’ve reached that wonderful mid-point in my life where I don’t worry so much about how I’m perceived by others. It’s quite freeing to be one’s natural self!
Hoda G
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This is so valuable for me to hear. Straight Walki g my Path, requires honesty and integrity.
Aileen B
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from the website "What you'll need.  NO props needed."  That sums up the natural state of awareness.  Love to all, Venerable Tenzin Dasel

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