Into the Wild: Breathing Room Restored<br>Patricia Sullivan

Into the Wild: Breathing Room Restored
Patricia Sullivan

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Adrienne L
2 people like this.
Patricia is so soothing, so thorough, so thoughtful - this was a WONDERFUL practice to bring me back to balance after a particularly trying and difficult time. I feel so renewed. I did the practice two times and could feel my nervous system start to rebalance itself and my heart to start calming down. I highly recommend this when you need to re-center yourself.
Thank you for the recommendation, Adrienne. We're here for you :)

Warmly, Ashley from Yoga Anytime
Patricia Sullivan
I will add my gratitude, Adrienne, for your loving recommendation. It can be hard to slow down, but when we do, especially in this way, the rewards go deep and give you a marker for what's possible and accessible within. Warmest, Patricia

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