Slow Flow and Meditation: Sweet and Stable<br>Alana Mitnick

Slow Flow and Meditation: Sweet and Stable
Alana Mitnick

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Rosanna S
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Thank you so much! My mind is all over the place this morning. I really needed this grounding practice.
Jenny S
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These practices are such a’s nice to have something to look forward to with each new day! 🦋
Alana Mitnick
Wonderful, Rosanna! I know the feeling... so delighted to be practicing from home together! Grounding is the remedy for settling the mind and feeling more centered. Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
So nice to hear, Jenny! You inspire me with your dedicated yoga practice. Grateful for your steady presence and kind words. Love, Alana 
Kate M
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This was the perfect wind-down this evening, Alana. So sweet to practice with you. Blessings : )
Alana Mitnick
Lovely to hear, Kate. You always put a smile on my face. Happy to be in Yoga together. Love and blessings, Alana
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I find this slower style really has a profound impact on me, thank you so much Alana and the YogaAnytime team. 

Styles like kundalini and faster ashtanga or rocket really make me a bit more 'hyper' and 'manic.' 

But Alana's, Wade's and Sarah's classes give me the grounded, calm energy I seek 

Would that suggest my natural constitution or 'pitta' is tamasic? Just curious how it works...
Alana Mitnick
Hi KARUN, Thank you so much for being here and sharing! I think your observations are right on... Kundalini and Ashtanga are designed to generate heat and purification (Tapas), whereas the classes you mentioned taught by Wade, Sarah, and myself, move at a slower, groovier pace with an invitation to pause and feel along the way. Both styles and approaches are useful and effective depending on the energy, mood, and perspective you want to cultivate. Regarding your question, Melina Meza teaches Ayurveda and could give you insight into constitution. Her approach and sequencing is masterful. Check out her upcoming 5 Day LIVE Ayurveda Summer Challenge on Yoga Anytime: Enjoy! Alana 
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I really loved the slow subtlety of this practice, Alana. It was exactly the kindness I needed this morning.
Alana Mitnick
Ali, I'm so glad you enjoyed this practice. You said it beautifully. Love, Alana 
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