Slow Flow and Meditation: Grounded and Free<br>Alana Mitnick

Slow Flow and Meditation: Grounded and Free
Alana Mitnick

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Jenny S
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This easeful, grounding flow was perfect for a sultry summer day here on the east coast 🌞
Donna S
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Beautiful all over practice. 
Alana Mitnick
Thank you for joining me, Jenny! Grateful for these practices that bring us together, honing our skills of feeling grounded and easeful. xo Love, Alana 
Alana Mitnick
Hi Donna, Lovely to hear from you. So delighted to be practicing together. Warmly, Alana 
Sandra Židan
Beautiful practice! Thanks, Alana!
Alana Mitnick
Sandra, So delighted that you enjoyed this practice. Wishing you a beautiful day! Love, Alana 
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This was utterly beautiful. A tonic for my soul. Thank you Alana.
Alana Mitnick
This warms my heart, Ali. Thank you for sharing. So grateful for your presence. Sending love, Alana 

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