Renewal: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Slow Flow<br>Rosemary Garrison

Renewal: A 7-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 5: Slow Flow
Rosemary Garrison

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Francesca Venturini
Good morning Rosemary! Thank you to remind me the importance to slow down and find the time to nourish,restore and integrate.....the only way to have the opportunity to go deeper and improve, get better in every single movement and action in our lives. Thank you!!
David G-
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Rosemary, hope this finds you well. Thank you for five great days. This was restorative, though my adductors were on fire in the squats. Good information. See you tomorrow morning. 
Martha K
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I love this restorative practice with enough movement to keep my energy flowing. Fluid and lovely.
Hope H
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My nervous system just did a 180. You are amazing. Thank you!
Samantha P
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This practice was lovely. I went on a hike today and was feeling kind of achy and tight after. I almost decided to lay down instead of doing today's practice, but I knew that yoga was really what my body needed. I feel so much better after this amazing slow flow. Much less achy and much more open. Thank you so much!
Rosemary Garrison
Yes, beautifully said, Francesca Venturini ! 
Rosemary Garrison
So glad you’re on this journey with us, David G- . I hear you on the adductors- I hope they’re feeling better today. 
Rosemary Garrison
Mmmhhh, beautiful, Martha K - exactly what we going for with this practice. 
Rosemary Garrison
That makes me supremely happy, Hope H . A shift in the nervous system is pure gold. 🙏
Rosemary Garrison
What elegant timing, Samantha P . So glad you got on the mat and the practice matched what your body most needed! 
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