Everyday Somatic Yoga: Hips for Life!<br>Lydia Zamorano

Everyday Somatic Yoga: Hips for Life!
Lydia Zamorano

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Christel B
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My hips feel great after those hip awakening movements and I am feeling peaceful. Thank you Lydia for a hip enlivening class.
Lydia Zamorano
Christel B So happy this one brought both peace and aliveness. Thank you so much for commenting Christel. With care, Lydia 
Jenny S
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This practice, perhaps more than any I’ve done before, really showed me the difference between my two hips - very revealing! I’m feeling more balanced now 😌 and I would also like to say I appreciate your lovely closing sentiments…thank you Lydia 🙏🏻✨
Lydia Zamorano
Jenny S Thanks for sharing that Jenny! I'm so happy to hear you found more balance with this practice. Wishing you warmth and peace this holiday, Lydia 
Michelle F
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Hello there Lydia,
Great to be pracicing with you again.Gee whizz this hip sequence was absolutely d¡fascinating ----when you instructed to raise foot or leg in the bent 90 / 90 position ---wow my hips ...both and both times ...went into the most wickedly intense cramp i have ever expeienced - in fact I didnt even know you could have cramp in your hipIi leapt involuntarily! from the floor the first time, tried to stay with it the other 3 times and will deffo repeat this tomorrow to see if anything has changed ! Brilliant - thank you so much
Have a beautiful day
Michelle F
Hola again Lydia,
Just to follow up - I repeated the practice today and although my hips cramped again first time , they didnt do so on the repetion . I feel great and hhave a wee tiny zone of tension that I was previously oblivious too and am now trying to breathe into - I think it´s probably worth one more reetion tomorrow - 3 in a row!
Have a beautiful day
Lydia Zamorano
Michelle F Hi Michelle! Wow I'm so delighted to hear that you will be exploring this practice three days in a row! Thank you for sharing your insights and thoughts! The somatic practice has been a space for heightening my awareness, and it is wonderful to hear how other folks are finding benefit from this as well. With care and peace, Lydia 
Michelle F
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Hi Lydia,
As  the third day was totally  cramp free, but still tight and pinchy well I decided to go on to day 4 and yes it was lovely today - not much more range but smooth and slipperry as opposed to tight and grippily!
Thank you so much - I really look forward to the other sessions in this season!
Have a wonderful day
Lydia Zamorano
Michelle F Wow! I'm loving hearing how this is unfolding for you Michelle! Thanks for letting me know. Wishing you a wonderful day as well my friend. Lydia 
Sandra Židan
What a great and calming practice! Thanks, Lydia, for sharing it with us! I do feel that I have larger range od motion in my hips after this practice! Namaste! ❤️🌹💖
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