Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 12: Burn<br>Ashley Rideaux

Burn Bright: A 14-Day Yoga Challenge: Day 12: Burn
Ashley Rideaux

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Lina S
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A nice core-oriented practice. I enjoy the imagery used in this class. Thank you!
Ashley R
Thank you Lina S 🤗 I so appreciate your dedication to this challenge and your thoughtful comments❤️
Sandra Židan
I do feel my core muscles after doing this great practice! Thank you very much, Ashley! Namaste! ❤️
Jenny S
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Even though this was a core practice 😱 there was so much to love about it!  The choreography, along with your sweet and funny demeanor kept my mind engaged and I made it through!  This 20 minutes packed a punch - a GOOD punch! 🔥☄️💥
Ashley R
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Sandra, you are so very welcome 🤗
Ashley R
Finding anything to love about a core practice is a big win in my book😂  Thank you for the lovely compliment 😘
Karen E
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Agree this was a core practice in disguise! I will be coming back to it as it was great exercise (I tend to avoid)  in an enjoyable format. 
Ashley R
Every now and then we find a way to sneak the spinach in the brownies😜 I’m so glad you enjoyed the practice❤️
Tara L
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Wow! There was a lot in this short practice, not just in terms of asana but also in the theme and messaging. I loved how you said, we tend to rush through things we don’t like or find difficult. So true! This was such a nice reminder to slow down and observe.  Thanks Ashley!
Ashley R
Thank you, Tara I’m happy to hear that the message landed. It’s one I remind myself of often❤️
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