30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Grounded and Light<br>Maeve McCaffrey

30-Minute Vinyasa Yoga: Grounded and Light
Maeve McCaffrey

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Catherine A
Hi Maeve, this practice together with the previous 'Empowering Crow Pose' have proved really helpful to me and transformed my 'crow pose' which has absolutely never been a thing of beauty ........! Flying crow was beyond me, but something to work towards and have fun with in the future nevertheless. Many thanks for these very practical sessions. Best Regards ❤️💖🥰
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Thank you so much, Catherine A. Remember that the poses need NOT be a thing of beauty. I am much more interested in you having fun and working toward something! Imagine if it was beautiful and not fun? Blaghk! I'm glad you put the practices together and have felt some form of transformation. I feel like each practice has similar threads that speak to each other. I would suggest trying them again down the road and see what emerges. All the best.
Kate M
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Empowerment in action. 
Another incredible sequence! 
Something I have noticed as I get older (I'm 65) is that inertia is a thing I have to constantly work against. This practice gave me so much to work with! And your guidance is a blend of intelligence, empowerment, and compassion! 
Thank you Maeve M !!
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Great sequencing and use of props Maeve. I’ve not thought of using them to get into challenge poses. Thank you! Robin
Sandra Židan
Thank you very much, Maeve, for this beautiful and interesting practice! I couldn't do single leged crow without the block and I did ordinary crow but it was also interesting and challenging! Namaste! 💖❤️🌹
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Kate M wow, thank you. It's interesting how age plays into our practice. I am so much more easeful than I was when I was younger in so many ways, yet I can't (or don't want to) do all the things I once did. This is why our practice is such a timeless thing; it meets us wherever we are in life and brings a new set of factors! 
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Robin awesome! I'm glad you liked the use of the props. They really give a new view to so many poses. Thanks for practicing with me!
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Sandra Židan There is nothing ordinary about crow. :) I love that you use the word interesting (now twice) in reference to my classes. I appreciate it! I find "interesting" (for me)  is a gateway into learning more about ME! I hope you feel the same. All the best. 

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