Empowered Aging: Strong to the Core<br>Jason Schneider

Empowered Aging: Strong to the Core
Jason Schneider

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Christel B
Powerful session!  Appreciated the ending specifying words.
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I really appreciate the core themed class. Bracing, Rotation, Anti-rotation, and Flexion are all important parts we need to develop. Jason carefully explains each steps of exercises with suggestions for options. It’s very helpful to pay attention to oppositional and contrary energies. With his class, we can build up the core by leveling up asana positions and lengthening the holding time as we practice.
Jason’s reminder that the core strength is essential for daily life functions (lifting heavy objects, carrying kids, grandkids, pets, etc) is a great motivation, too. Thank you very much!
Jason S
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Sharon, you brighten my days with each wonderful and thoughtful comment!
Vedra R
Great class Jason. It was very helpful how you mentioned the importance of strengthening our core and how you explained it with examples. I really enjoyed this class and I am looking forward to completing this season 1 with you!

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