Yoga Mix: Yoga Barre Fusion<br>Shantani Moore

Yoga Mix: Yoga Barre Fusion
Shantani Moore

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Christel B
2 people like this.
Nothing like a little extra challenge! Thank you Shantani for taking us to our edge.
Sarah-Jane Stephens
Loved it. Thank you Hard but so much fun.
Catherine A
Really enjoyed that class, Shantani. I have two very cute little red dumbells which have been sitting in my yoga room for years - but they got christened tonight. It was definitely a bit tough at times but worth the effort.........🥰
Laura Y
3 people like this.
I love this so much! Thank you for sharing your energy, this practice. It's wonderful. You leave your mat feeling strong and empowered. 
Dawnie P
3 people like this.
Thanks, Shantani. Really great practice for starting the day strong. I had a hip replacement 10 months ago, and have been doing a lot of hard work with weights to rebuild, but those booty crunches really got me. Hope you will have more classes like this for us. Great positive energy. Luv it!
Samreen F
3 people like this.
Loved this class - I keep hearing that peri menopausal women should lift some weights, but I always end up with some kind of injury - this here is a perfect balance - gentle yet strong x
Charity Safford
That was another great class - thank you so much! Would love to see more Yoga and Barre fusion!

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