Me, Myself & My Higher Power: Clear the Blockages<br>Dana Trixie Flynn

Me, Myself & My Higher Power: Clear the Blockages
Dana Trixie Flynn

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Rebecca Sophia S
Thank you, beautiful freedom. xx
Your style is singing me back awake in a time of darkness. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for being who you are so fully. I am inspired! xx
Rebecca Sophia S
I love you!
Anne J
How absolutely and totally fun is this??! LOVE it. Thank you for being free for us (and for yourself).
Suzanne N
You make me smile...and super inspired. love it.
Virginia F
Great practice but not for me. I was searching for a morning Vinyasa. Her advanced and impressive practice was more like a Anna Forrest performance.
Kira Sloane
Dearest Virginia, isn't Dana great? Did you find the right practice? If you are looking for a more straightforward vinyasa practice, you might like the Vinyasa Show.
If you are seeking a more creative and wild practice, the Yoga Flow Show might be just the thing.

With Love
Uma F
1 person likes this.
Thank you, great practice... :) Nice energy
Kerrie S
Thank you Dana, you turned my evening around! I so dig your mix of insight, humor, playfulness, and ritual - thank you!!
Sethyne G
Ohhh Hallelujah!  Such glorious invitations.  Hard AF and yet so FUN.
Thanks Dana-Love love, Sethyne

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